Initital Reporting Company Filing
Effective 1/1/2025 this must be done within 30 days of your company's formation. Companies formed prior to 1/1/2024 have until 12/31/24 to file. Companies formed in 2024 must file within 90 days. Failure to meet any of these reporting deadlines may result in daily fines of at least $500.
Compliance & Amended/Corrected Reports
After you've filed your initial report, it is critical that you file amended/corrected reports within 30 days of any change to the information initially filed. Failure to do so may result in daily fines of at least $500. Our compliance program sends our clients a monthly reminder email to make sure they comply with this requirement. Clients who subscribe to this service enjoy a discounted filing fee for amended/corrected reports. These emails also contain general information updates as they become available.
Scroll down to see fee schedule for the above described services.